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Ladies! I am excited to share with you "The 5 O'Clock Club" from the Carolyn Mahaney and her daughters over at the girltalk! blog! They are challenging women, especially in this new year, to wake up early to meet with Jesus in His Word and in prayer. I just joined yesterday and hope you would consider it, too! With our lives so busy and so many activities going on, it is critical that we set aside time to cultivate our relationship with the Lover of our souls: Jesus! He deserves and must receive our utmost devotion!
So, please join me in this adventure! Whether you are single and busy with many activities, a young mother who struggles to find time for devotions between diaper changing and meal prep, or an older woman who needs to be preparing her heart to share the truths of the Gospel with the younger generation, this club is for you. You don't have to rise at 5:00am! It can be any early time that allows you a solitude with your Savior! I hope you join and are blessed!
Psalm 119:2, "How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, Who seek Him with all their heart."
Femininity is in tatters. The family has been split apart. Churches worldwide are weakening. What must be done to regain the purity of a life that seeks to honour Jesus? How can we re-capture the depth of His love for us? How can femininity and true beauty be regained?
It starts with the Gospel. It starts with an almighty, sovereign God who “did not spare His own Son,” a Saviour who “for the joy set before Him endured the Cross,” a Holy Spirit “who is in you,” empowering you to do His will.
The Gospel is Jesus Christ
He came, He gave
He is mighty to save
To all who will repent and believe
This blog is dedicated to re-capturing femininity; femininity as God designed it. Femininity in our culture is desperately lost. Scripture testifies of this in Proverbs 31. “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” A wife of excellence is more rare that precious gems. In the 21st century, this is sadly apparent.
So let us raise the bar to a level of excellence that is rare and mysterious. Let us live our growing years with patience, our single years with dedication, our waiting years with service, our longing years with purity, our married years with faithfulness, and our entire lives under the blessings of our eternal covenant with the Prince of our souls, Jesus Christ.
May He have all the glory!
It starts with the Gospel. It starts with an almighty, sovereign God who “did not spare His own Son,” a Saviour who “for the joy set before Him endured the Cross,” a Holy Spirit “who is in you,” empowering you to do His will.
The Gospel is Jesus Christ
He came, He gave
He is mighty to save
To all who will repent and believe
This blog is dedicated to re-capturing femininity; femininity as God designed it. Femininity in our culture is desperately lost. Scripture testifies of this in Proverbs 31. “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” A wife of excellence is more rare that precious gems. In the 21st century, this is sadly apparent.
So let us raise the bar to a level of excellence that is rare and mysterious. Let us live our growing years with patience, our single years with dedication, our waiting years with service, our longing years with purity, our married years with faithfulness, and our entire lives under the blessings of our eternal covenant with the Prince of our souls, Jesus Christ.
May He have all the glory!
Have you seen the following comment about the Mahaney girls' blog?
It shows another side.
Steve, I appreciate your concern. It is always good to know both sides of the story. However, I think that the article you directed me to, though I did not read it entirely, misunderstands the Mahaney family and what they believe, which in fact is simply truths from Scripture. I have met and spoken with CJ Mahaney himself, and have been deeply blessed by his family's ministry for some time. Also, the Mahaney's are NOT the picture perfect family. They are sinners just like you and I, and would be the first to confess this. (CJ wrote an excellent book on Humility.) Also, God has taken regular, human beings who once rejected Him (CJ was a drug-dealer and hated God during His teenage years until He was later saved) and has used them to spread His Gospel.
ReplyDeleteJust remember, all men hold the potential of failure. Only Jesus Christ and His Word are unchanging and perfect. You must "test all things", leaving what is bad, and clinging to the truth.